tisdag, oktober 20

Shiny and shiny darker

Any plans for tommorow? Maybe this:


The band is playing at Strand and it is for free! Much better than Baba i guess. I should really stop reading old Sonic magazines at night and sleep (last week i bought five issues for only 60 SEK). IN one issue they listed albums of the year 2004, Arcade Fires "Funeral" reached only 21:st or 22:nd place, I was really mad about it. Probably all other albums who came over the Funeral is almost forgotten today! Have you forgotten Arcade Fire? Even kids love Arcade Fire. Still. Another annoying thing.. One quasi pretentious author, (surely a freelancer) gave Patrick Wolf "Magic Position" a grade 6 of 10. Can you believe it? And the last straw was all the mudslinging in the article, the author accused Patrick Wolf of being or become mainstream by his alst album. Today we all know it is totally nonsense. But I really like old Sonics, yesterday i read and article about Andrew Bird it was from 2007 and it was interesting, some of their articles are still good! Sonic should really try to be the best Swedish music magazine.

I woke up really late today, around one o'clock, I can't sleep at nights anymore it is no good, but I expected it. I am so glad i found those Sonic magazines. But now - back to work. I am going to write my best scientific report ever!! Big times!

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