söndag, september 27

This weekend

Screw you! Me and Callin was hanging all day long yesturday. We visited Bengans in first place and bought cheap cd:s, i took Bon Iver and Joy Division. We continued to a book store and i bought 1984. Later we ate tons of food at a Chinese rastaurnat on the Sveastreet. I skipped the fried shrimps and regretted it later. We should have been drinking beer with Daniel but instead we booght fried shrimps, candy and watched Total Recall with Lisa. "Screw You" - when Arnold starts to drill through his former friend who turned out to bethe enemy who betrayed Arnold at the same time Arnold roars out "Screw You" with beastial voice and empathy that would be enough for thousand of Oscars. This magnificent moment could be the best that has happened in the movies history! It's should be on the schedule in all of the film schools! I couldn't stop laghing for maybe fifteen minutes as we rewind at least ten times.

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